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发布时间:2019-05-25 01:26:53 所属栏目:通讯 来源:观察者网(上海) 举报
导读:32e8 (原标题:华为驻欧首席代表在欧盟总部发表演讲:欧洲不能绥靖美国欺凌(全文)) 【编译/观察者网 李天宇】 当地时间5月21日,华为驻欧盟机构首席代表刘康在布鲁塞尔发表了题为“5G的欧洲方式”(5G The European Way)的演讲。 刘康发表演讲(图自彭

Major European leaders seem to have a somewhat different mindset from the US. French President Emmanuel Macron at the VivaTech conference in Paris last week said that France has no intention of launching a “trade or tech war.”

And I quote him: “Our perspective is not to block Huawei or any company. Launching a trade or tech war vis-a-vis any country is not appropriate. It is not the best way to defend national security. France and Europe are pragmatic and realistic. We believe in cooperation and multilateralism.”

Also, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has stated that – I quote: “For us, the security criteria are the decisive starting point in terms of deciding who will participate in the 5G deployment”.

We are pleased that Europe is coming out with its coordinated approach to 5G. The European Union has proved its capacity of bringing European countries together to develop some of the most advanced and comprehensive laws like GDPR. Europe should continue to drive that agenda forward. The EU should make decisions for the benefit of Europe and its citizens.

Huawei will persevere. We are a global company and our international operations will continue. Not only are we continuing to invest in Europe, we are also proactively endeavouring to mitigate the impact of the decision made by the Bureau of Industry of the US Department of Commerce. Let me stress this: Huawei is doing everything we can to make sure the negative impact of the decision is mitigated.

So in a nutshell, Huawei is here to stay in Europe. We love this continent and we will keep contributing to a strong and united Europe. 

I look forward working with you together here in Brussels on this win-win relationship between Huawei and Europe. We have so much to gain together. In the spirit of Robert Schuman, let’s seize this great opportunity!

Thank you.

乔俊婧 本文来源:观察者网 责任编辑:乔俊婧_NBJ11279

(编辑:拼字网 - 核心网)

