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发布时间:2019-05-25 01:26:53 所属栏目:通讯 来源:观察者网(上海) 举报
导读:32e8 (原标题:华为驻欧首席代表在欧盟总部发表演讲:欧洲不能绥靖美国欺凌(全文)) 【编译/观察者网 李天宇】 当地时间5月21日,华为驻欧盟机构首席代表刘康在布鲁塞尔发表了题为“5G的欧洲方式”(5G The European Way)的演讲。 刘康发表演讲(图自彭

We at Huawei understand the security concerns of European governments and we are ready to go for the extra mile. Because of the importance of 5G, as an industry leader, Huawei stands ready to sign no-spy agreements with governments and customers in all EU Member States.

(编辑:拼字网 - 核心网)

